Sponsorship & Recruitment
Keep Delta Gamma Strong by Recommending a Potential New Member
- Are you a Delta Gamma who knows of a young woman who would make a great DG herself?
- Do you know of a woman who is excited about going through the recruitment process at her university?
- Are you interested in DG having quality members who are dedicated to the Fraternity for a lifetime?
These are great reasons why each Delta Gamma member should take the time to complete a DG Recommendation Form for a potential new member. Please help promote DG by sharing your pride in the Fraternity and educating others about the leadership, values, scholarship and fun young women can experience being a member of Delta Gamma Fraternity.
Vocabulary Then and Now…
Rush = Recruitment
Rushee = Potential New Member (PNM)
Rec = Recommendation Form
Pledge = New Member
Where do I get a recommendation form?
The online form is accessed via your profile on deltagamma.org.
How do I complete a recommendation form?
- Before writing the recommendation, review and gather information on the PNM; include a picture if possible.
- The more information you provide the more useful the form will be. Remember, in most cases the recommendation form is the first contact the chapter has with a PNM. Your personal comments and examples are invaluable.
- Type or print clearly.
- Be as descriptive as possible when filling out a recommendation form. For example, it is important to let the evaluating committee know if a woman is shy, reserved or assertive so they can plan a recruitment strategy.
- Highlight and underscore outstanding potential.
- Be prompt in submitting your form.